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Privacy (UE 679/2016)
Respecting the regulations in force about the personal data protection, we inform you that our firm will acquire, or olready has got, personal data about your person, in case sensible or judicial data too, to provide you the services* which you ask.

The data, which you or other subjects** will provide to us, are only those strictly necessary and they are treated only with the necessary formalities (also by electronical instruments) to provide you the above-mentioned services. In order to provide you some services, we may communicate your data to other subjects with whom we have a temporary or permanent employer relationship in Italy or abroad. For the providing of some services, we may utilize subjects of our trust who do, on our behalf, in Italy or abroad, technical, organizational and operational duties***.

Your personal data may also be known by our specifically authorized collaborators (responsibles or persons in charge) who will treate these data for the above-mentioned aim. Your personal data won't be spread.

Without your personal data, some of which must be provided us, by you or other subjects, in the name of the law****, we won't be able to provide you our services, in total or in part.
You have the right to know, in every time, the data of yours which we have got, their origine and as they are utilized; moreover, you have the right to require the up-dating, the correction, the supplement or the cancellation of your personal data. You have the right to ask the stoppage of your data or to oppose yourself lo their treatment*****.

Treatment holder is the hotel Casa del Pellegrino which avails itself of responsibles. The designated responsible, in the case you would like to exercise the rights in occording to the paragraph 7 law (D.lgs) 196/2003, is Mr Gianluca Maffezzoni.
Every information, about the subject to whom your data are communicated or about whom may know them as responsible or person in charge to do the above-mentioned treatment, may be required to the mentioned responsible (Mr Gianluca Maffezzoni, Località Montallegro - 16035 Rapallo (GE), Italy telephone +390185239003).

In according to what above-written, if you indicate (YES) in the special space, you will express your consent to the personal data treatment (in case sensible data too) done by our firm, your consent to the personal data communication to the above-mentioned subjects and your consent to their treatment by them.
* Request information from the visitor
** For example subjects by you charged for the received our informations.
*** The subjects may operate as responsibles of our treatment, or they may operate in complete autonomy as separate treatment holders with same above-mentioned or correlated purposes. In fact, they are subjects setting up the company: agents, lawyers, experts, companies setting up the group and other services companies (computer, financial, administrative and archives services, correspondence printing and management of the inward and outward mail, auditing of accounts and auditing of balance).
**** It is forseen, for example, by the regulation against the recycling.
***** These rights are forseen by the paragraph 7 of the law (D.lgs) 196/2003. The data supplement expects an interest. The cancellation and the stoppage regard the data treated with violation of the law. The right of opposition may be exercised about the advertising material and direct sale or about the execution of market researches or commercial communication. In the other cases, the opposition expects a legitimate reason.

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CITR code 010046-ALB-0008              située internet ajournée au 30/11/2024