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18/05/2024 - 19/05/2024 - MANTRA, THE SACRED SOUNDS - SHORT DESCRIPTION The intuition that the universe was a web of vibrations and that sounds expanded beyond human ear is very ancient. The exploration of the Rsi went in search of the impalpable relationships between vibration and physical and mental body. The voice, as an tool of evolution, is explored through the sounds of mantras. TEACHER Rossana Dall'Armellina Founder of Cultural Association Il Soffio di Durga, she teaches daily in her Studio in Milano and centers in Cinisello Balsamo. From 2020 she promotes YogaMontallegro, a program of lessons, lectures and retreats at Il Pellegrino (Montallegro - Ge) INFO AND REGISTRATION Cellulare 349 639 02 75

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CITR code 010046-ALB-0008 - CIN IT010046A18ASQV99Z              Website update on 08/02/2025